Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Poll: Cuomo, Kennedy Deadlocked for N.Y. Senate Seat

December 9, 2008
The jockeying to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate is looking more like a game of checkers compared to the allegedly pay-to-play tactics Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich is accused of using to fill President-elect Barack Obama’s seat.
According to the latest Marist Poll, Caroline Kennedy and New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo are tied at 25% among registered New York voters. An equally high number, 26%, are unsure of who the next New York senator should be. Gov. David Paterson will appoint a person to the seat after it’s vacated in January.
Among registered Democrats, Kennedy is the choice of 31% compared with 21% who prefer Cuomo. Among registered Republicans, Cuomo has the edge with 34% compared with 21% for Kennedy. Kennedy is more popular among New York City residents, while Cuomo is more popular in the suburbs. Upstate New York is divided.
Both Democrats enjoy positive perceptions among voters, with 64% rating Cuomo positively and 62% saying the same of Kennedy.
Former President John F. Kennedy’s daughter also has too forceful advocates: her uncle, Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, who is lobbying for her to get the job and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who touted Kennedy Monday as “very competent” and as someone who “can do anything.”
Other contenders, such as Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown or Reps. Kirsten Gillibrand, Nydia Velazquez, Carolyn Maloney, and Steve Israel all registered in the single digits with voters.As for Clinton herself, the vast majority, 70%, said she will do either an excellent or good job as secretary of state.
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